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A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

You are not unaware that I had the great luck to be able to escape (that's the right word) for a few days (4 to be precise) alone in Guadeloupe. Alone at last… Alone with a team of crazy bloggers/accompanists (Philomène, Cynthia, Sarah, Papacube). Of those who will make you cry with laughter every minimum hour (and sometimes even without Planter) (he's strong, isn't he?) and who make the adventure even more fun.

A bubble of oxygen in my life as a busy working mom. Even though I took my Surface to work mornings and evenings, I can let you in on a secret:going away for a few days (really not very many huh) without the kids... damn it... that's good!

Of course, we had to deal with text messages like "where is my blouse “, understand:do not answer vulgarly. Hum.

Finally, apart from the @#$*€ blouse, I had everything organized pretty well. Remember this post…

Come on, I'll take you (virtually huh)?

Direction Roissy Charles de Gaules (yeah because by the port of Dieppe, it was a bit long)

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

8 hours later, here we are in Guadeloupe

In the rain


No, but it didn't last and it was still very hot! Immediate change of scenery guaranteed.

Our "unusual" accommodation with Hotel Logis.

After a transfer of an hour, we arrived at Saint-François sur Grande-Terre . Rather touristy seaside town, with its golf course and marina. But it's not a "classic" hotel that we headed for. But on a boat! Loading suitcases. Adrenaline pumping, we were eager to discover the famous Aqua Lodge which are therefore part of the "unusual by Logis" accommodation.

It's not a boat, it's not on stilts either. We are closer to a bungalow (nearly 80 m2 all the same) anchored in the lagoon! To reach the mainland:an electric motor dinghy. On site, it's very comfortable:two bedrooms with a real double bed, towels like in a hotel, storage space, a shower room, a separate (and dry) toilet, a large room that can be completely opened /close overlooking the "terrace/deck" with a fully equipped kitchen (dishwasher included). On the roof, a solarium with large poufs and… solar panels since and that is why the accommodation is totally unusual:it is 100% ecological.

So, obviously, even if the owner of the premises told me that she regularly receives young children - therefore not knowing how to swim... I had a hard time recommending it to you unless you are used to "sailing" with your small. On the other hand, for the older ones, this accommodation is absolutely brilliant. Already to educate them about ecology, for the "camping" side, we know how much preteens/teens love it and then for the super playful aspect of the place! We wake up and hop we can dive straight into the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea! On the aqua lodge there is also a paddle, a canoe, masks and snorkels for 4 people. You can have your meals there or go to the port for lunch/dinner ashore. Total freedom. I really like having this choice.

And then hey, the view what.

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

Where is the aqualodge? (be careful, there is a trap, there are two)


Why come to Guadeloupe…

  • to learn how to pronounce Guava!
  • for its double exposure:Caribbean Sea / Atlantic Ocean
  • for its climate… we say that it is in "winter" that you have to come but we have been confirmed:in summer it is just as good and it is even cheaper!
  • for fruit – I'm such a big fan of pineapples, mangoes…
  • for the accras, grilled fish, dog sauce, coconut flans… (yes, I gained 2 kilos)
  • for its varied landscapes:relief, vegetation…
  • for its welcoming inhabitants!
  • …BUT OF COURSE!! For its arranged rum, its tit punch, its planter and… oops, I digress

I really liked the island very much. I really, really want to go back there, with my family.

Whether you like hanging out on the beaches, hiking, kite surfing, meeting the locals, discovering the culture... Guadeloupe and its islands are perfect.

In this regard, we started our second day (so our first real full day on site) by discovering the island of La Désirade . I understood very quickly - via my on-board guide aka Papacube - that this was a very great opportunity, because generally it is an island that we "forget" to visit, because it is more difficult to access . Boats going there are rare. Suffice to say that we were on the job on Monday morning. After barely an hour of crossing, we arrived… in paradise. Yeah clearly.

I show you my new friends the iguanas and the island of La Désirade, with its so varied landscapes… (even if I mainly shot the beaches and the coconut trees, I admit)(everything)

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

Close up, he's posing buddy!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

The old cotton factory

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

pffff so many people on this beach…

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

The "port" (marina?) of La Désirade

Can I also show you the view of our lunch break?

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

# Your mother in shorts

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

I won't show you, however, the bottle of Rhum Arrangé that the super guide took out (the excursion was organized by Feeling Guadeloupe)?

And a little view of Pointe aux Châteaux (southeastern tip of the island of Guadeloupe) on the way back under heavy clouds… #your mother revises her geo

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

The next day, with another great guide:Lila from Guadeloupe Shuttle, direction Basse-Terre (the western part of the Guadeloupe butterfly), first to the North to visit the CreoleArt eco-museum in Sainte-Rose where we even learned how to make chocolate (yes, I tasted too, I am only brave in the face of my responsibilities as special envoy to Guadeloupe). On the program, flowers, spices, fruits, medicinal plants. We had a great time there, touching, smelling, learning again and again about all these plants and the history of the island.

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

Lunch on Deshaies Bay , the feet in water. It was divine. Seems the planter was strong. I don't know, I took sparkling water (and it's also true)

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

Then, a well-deserved swimming break (ba si) on the long and beautiful beach of Grande Anse on the coast of Deshaies. Paradis bis (or ter, I already didn't count anymore)

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

Well, sure, there were people… ah lalala…. hard to put down your towel…

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

And can you imagine that at the end of this beach, far from the hustle and bustle (yes, it seems that sometimes there are really people on this beach AH AH AH AH ), hides an absolutely magnificent boutique hotel, with a "family" room (I say that, I say nothing), a swimming pool (well, ok there is the sea just 5 meters away too), an idyllic setting TOTALLY at my taste :

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

We then hit the road for the interior, with an incredible first stop at the saut d'Acomat . One of the most famous waterfalls in Guadeloupe. Of course, it is forbidden to jump… so… people still jump. This time, I put the only photos I had without anyone on them, but this time it was more complicated to take them like this.

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

To do absolutely (not the jump, huh), but despite the slightly sporty descent to get there:it's magnificent.

Then, stop at the Ecrevisses Waterfall where we had proof that the Iphone 7 is dry (Cynthia indeed fell in the water with her cellphone… she is fine… her dress much less). I let you discover the story at Papacube who made a beautiful photo/drawing montage.

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

The last day (yes, already), we spent it in Pointe-à-Pitre , with a quick but essential visit to the Memorial ACTe . Photo forbidden inside, suddenly, I will put you "official" photos. If you go to the island, please do not miss this cultural, modern, very educational place, essential to fully understand the history of the island and colonialism in general.

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

Then, a quick trip to the market !!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

And then, we already had to go home...

A few days in paradise:in Guadeloupe!

Can you guess how hysterical I am on the plane flying over Paris from the West…?

A huge thank you to XL Airways, Hotel Logis, and the Tourism Committee of the Islands of Guadeloupe for this invitation. Despite the work I had to manage on site, it did me a lot of good and I would never have dared to do this kind of express trip without being invited. THANK YOU.
Thanks for the crazy guys.