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Numbers and… numbers

Numbers and… numbers When you ask Little Big how his day was, he'll tell you he's arrived at 8:23 a.m. and at 4 p.m. the teacher started reading a great book… of 225 pages.

To know what the book is about, you will have to ask a question.

Ditto for this "documentary" viewed in class. It's 2:02. Its theme, on the other hand, does not seem to be of such great importance...

Le P’tit Grand loves numbers and precision.

He likes to calculate the perimeter of his creation in Hama beads, in pearl units for that matter.

He already knows how to calculate the area of ​​a circle... which his sister is just beginning to master at the end of 6th grade.

Conversely, he still does not like to write. Between the fact that it hurts the wrist and that it wastes playing time... it's almost unreadable.

So, I think back to this CP he did in a single term, precisely because he liked numbers. I'm thinking about college next year. These pages and these pages of copies that I see in his sister's notebooks today...

I'm freaking out a bit.

In short, we visited his (their) college today, supervised by the current 6th graders (so his sister)

I took a big hit of old. I don't know if I'll survive this time, it was already very hard last September…

So, on leaving, we went to Amorino's for an ice cream. Nothing better for my morale (apart from a massage)

3.60 euros * 2, "that's 7.20 euros mom"

That's it.