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The eagle flight

The eagle flight

The Eagle Volerie is located in Kintzheim, 24km from Colmar and 50km from Strasbourg. It is the first park of this kind created in France 50 years ago! As we stayed in Orschwiller, the Parc de la Volerie des Aigles was near our gîte, and was part of our visit schedule.

Contents 1 The show “La volerie des aigles”:2 The castle:3 Reviews Parents’ blog:“La volerie des aigles” 4 Prices “La volerie des aigles”:

There are several large car parks near the park, and it is possible to take the stroller if you have a baby (that said, the baby carrier is better suited, because the ground is sloping, and there are stairs in the castle )
Animals:Eagles, vultures, kites, falcons, buzzards, owls and owls (over 200 in all). The animals are in cages or on perches.

The animals take turns participating in the shows that take place several times a day.

You should know that, in their natural state, these birds can stay whole days without flying to save their energy. Flights are usually made for food.

The shows are therefore an opportunity for these eagles to fly and feed (rewards given by the trainers).

The show "The flight of the eagles":

You absolutely have to see it! It's a high quality show, the birds of prey fly above the public, brushing their heads with the tips of their wings!

Spectators can participate, wearing a leather glove to catch or “throw” one of the birds.

Also, and above all, the show is commented by a high quality presenter / trainer, which allowed us to learn a lot about these magnificent birds.

The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight

The castle:

The eagle flight is located on a high site, and a vestige of a castle is present in the park.

During our visit, a photo exhibition of animals was presented, with magnificent shots.

The place is quite quick to visit.

The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight

Review Parents' Blog:"The flight of eagles"

The eagle flight The eagle flight The eagle flight

—> other opinions from mums

"The Eagle Volerie" prices:

  • Adults:€9.50
  • Children (5 to 14 years old):€6.50
  • Children under 5:Free

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