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Days with a black border, you run into them every year

I've had some difficult days, days that return every year and that I always hope will pass as soon as possible, my days with a black border.

Days with a black border, different for everyone

A few days ago was the anniversary of my mother's death, which is always a difficult day even though it has been more than ten years since she passed away. I always stuff that day full with appointments, work and whatever else can fit. Unfortunately this year it was on a day that I am always free (Tuesday) because I can normally enjoy the kids that day. But I still managed to schedule some appointments on this day:a hospital visit with my daughter in front of her ears, dropping off and picking up the son (not convenient to take him to the hospital), taking my daughter to school, a visit to the supermarket and other everyday things.

However, this already terrible day just got a little worse:my son turned out to be ill at pick-up (luckily we are a week further and he is feeling a bit better little by little). He turned out to have the sixth disease and a tonsil infection, pfff poor boy) and when I got home I was told that our upstairs neighbor had died on vacation. Now this day had a completely black border.

King's Day is also such a day for me. The day it would be my mother's birthday. This is now celebrated exuberantly throughout the country (just like the birthday of the King 😉). This day is less bad than eight days ago, because today we also celebrate it a bit. It would also be my grandmother's birthday today. So it was always a double celebration in the past. Sadly, Grandma passed away last year. From two birthdays in the past, I don't celebrate a birthday for the first time this year, but in my mind they are both close to me.

This week we have another such annoying day:Mother's Day. As you could already read this week, Mother's Day without a mother doesn't really feel like Mother's Day. That day is always a bit difficult for me too. How she would have liked to enjoy the children. She would have loved to see them grow up and it hurts so much that she never got to experience that. I can only hope that she will be proud of me and my offspring and that she enjoys all the kisses she gets (her picture).

And then the days with a black border are over for me… for a year.