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Mama will you marry me? Rory replied with 'yes!'

Mommy will you marry me? Rory Blokzijl regularly gets this question from her daughter. For her, the invitation to a wedding party from Playmobil in Speelpark Oud Valkeveen came as a matter of course. Because here Rory was able to answer a resounding 'yes' to the question 'Mommy will you marry me?' Read her story here…

“Mommy, will you please marry me?” It is a question that has come up many times before. Just before going to sleep. Or on a Sunday morning, when we cuddle in the big bed. “Honey, maybe you'll want to marry a nice boy later † “No mom, I want to marry you! “.

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Mommy will you marry me?

How many times have you heard that question from your son or daughter? Somehow a lot of kids have this in their heads, and it's not just the question 'Mommy will you marry me'. No, that's where the questions start 😉 .

Mom, can girls marry a girl too?

We've had whole conversations about girls marrying boys. But that girls can also marry girls. Or boys with boys. “Yeah, but mom, how are they when they want to have a baby † I invariably answer:“Everything is possible dear, then it will just be a little more difficult or it will take a little longer. But anything is possible “.

Growing up with possibilities

Because isn't it very important to leave all possibilities open? To give my daughter to not start thinking in a pigeonhole now? I want her to grow up with possibilities, not limitations. I don't even mean that just for herself. But more specifically the worldview she grows up with. Like what I tell her about bullying and being bullied. Fortunately, they are already paying attention to this at school. It fits our way of parenting. Naming and not cramped, out of fear, keep away or not tell. Of course there are limits. She does not get to see scary or very sad stories and photos. Not yet.

Read also: the why children's questions, it can drive you crazy!

Things are as they are

But I do believe in telling things as they are. A child senses it flawlessly when you lie, conceal things. I think it's a good idea that you 'soften' difficult things. Especially if your child is still a toddler. But I digress. All this in response to the question:“Mommy will you marry me? † Because you know what's so nice? On behalf of Joyce from MamsatWork, I was allowed to go to a very nice event at our 'permanent' Play Park Oud Valkeveen. De Man and Mila even have a subscription. They regularly go to Oud Valkeveen (and then stay away for a whole afternoon).

Playmobil Knight and Princess are getting married!

The fact that something very nice would take place last Wednesday in Oud Valkeveen made it extra exciting. Because ... the Playmobil Knight and Princess were getting married! How great is that! And we were allowed to be there. In fact, I was also asked if my daughter might also want to get married, for one day. You can feel it already. This question came at just the right time. Of course Mila wanted to. She really wanted to get married… me! With mom. Special, dear and yet also a little bit emotional. 

Wedding in a special wedding outfit

So we were not only allowed to witness the wedding of the Playmobil Knight and Princess. We were getting married ourselves, for one day. “Mommy, what shall I wear? “, “Mom, are you wearing a dress too? “, “I also want to play, should I wear shorts anyway? † The weather forecast was remarkably good. 27 degrees. What?!? 27 degrees? You heard it right. Just like that, suddenly a very warm and sunny day. After a period of cold weather, rain, and sometimes a watery sun. Yes! That called for a beautiful wedding outfit. My daughter wore a very beautiful and romantic dress. And I? Was very happy that I wore a short skirt and a camisole. Perhaps not the most obvious outfit to get married in. But for us it was perfect.


So much fun to see how the whole park was transformed into a Playmobil wedding party. The beautiful dolls in 'real life' size held the balloons. Of course, the toys of the most romantic Playmobil theme ‘ever Ready for the kids to play with. The pink carpet had already been rolled out. A beautiful hedge was erected. Not just for the Knight and the Princess, but for all bridal couples. Big and small. Young and old. Very special to see. Genuine tension and joy on the faces of the children present. And after the yes, the balloons were released and there was wedding cake. Beautiful Playmobil cupcakes were waiting to be tasted. A celebration indeed. Worth a real hashtag (#PLAYMOBILdewedding)!

A memorable day

All in all it was a wonderful afternoon for us and of course especially for Mila (she had just been to school that same morning). A very memorable day. May 16, 2017, the date on which we were newlyweds for a day! Thank you Playmobil for this amazing wedding. The wedding of the Knight and Princess. From U.S. As mother and daughter.