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Someone else is riding my daughter's moped. Is that insured?

One of our acquaintances has children who are going through puberty and that leads to very different questions and discussions at the table. For example, her daughter drives a moped, but she sometimes lets others ride it too. They did not think about this when insuring the moped, but this question suddenly came up recently. I had no idea what it was like!

Table of Contents

Insure moped; what if someone else rides it?

Everyone knows that a moped insurance reimburses damage caused with an insured moped. Depending on the coverage chosen, the insurer also offers coverage against damage to the moped itself, so you can opt for that. But what about lending? Is that allowed and will the lending possibly cause problems if something happens?

If you are going to insure a moped, it turns out that this insurance is linked to the vehicle, and not to the person who took out the insurance. You can therefore let someone else drive the moped, but on condition that the driver is authorized to drive. He or she must therefore have a driver's license or a moped certificate. The latter sounds very logical of course.

The question is whether it is also wise. Because what do you do when you have borrowed the moped and something happens. What is the relationship like between (in this case) the daughter and the person to whom the moped was lent? Who bears the costs? We've looked into it a little further and the answers don't make you very happy...

What are the risks of lending out insurance for a moped?

Those who insure the moped are used to the moped as owners. However, the borrower is not and therefore has a greater chance of damage. That's one reason. But from the perspective of moped insurance, there are even more important reasons not to lend the moped.

Do you let someone ride the moped who is younger? Then you run the risk of a higher deductible in the event of damage. Suppose you are 24 years old and you lend the moped to a 23-year-old friend. For some insurers, this has major consequences for the amount of the deductible. This can simply be increased by €500, even if this was not the case with the moped.

But there's something else going on. In case of damage caused by the borrower, the claim is at the expense of the damage-free years of the owner of the moped. As a result, you may pay more for moped insurance. You hadn't thought of that before, did you!

No cover for younger drivers

Now the above is an example for adults, but especially with adolescents I expect you to run into this earlier. And then there is an extra reason to take into account if you are going to insure or lend your moped.

For younger drivers, the insurer may charge a higher deductible, but the consequences can be even greater than just that! The insurer can exclude damage caused by drivers younger than 25 years old. In any case, check that carefully when insuring the moped.

In that case, the consequences of damage by a young driver cannot be foreseen. The insurer does not pay out or recover the damage they have paid out from the other party. Suppose - you should not think about it - the accident has caused permanent physical injury to a pedestrian. The claims arising from this are then unaffordable. And these are for the account of the owner of the moped/insurance, not for the party that borrowed the moped!

So be very careful when lending to a younger person.

What if the borrower damages the moped?

Your moped can be severely damaged by an accident. If you are not insured for damage to your own vehicle (so you have to pay attention to that while insuring your moped), a problem arises. Who pays for the damage to the moped?

Does the borrower have the money to compensate you financially? And is the borrower also prepared to repay the damage?

All in all, it seems like a nice gesture for young people to lend their moped, but they do not realize the consequences this could have. Consequences that we as parents must clearly discuss with them. Beforehand.

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