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Couple:8 revelations of single guys #2

“We like girls… less funny than us! »

Hillel, 29

“Nothing worse than a girl forcing jokes. I prefer those who laugh at mine! And guys still have that reaction thing in mind:"Laughing woman, half in your bed" (not wanting a non-stop laughing groupie either!). Afterwards, I like (naturally) funny girls. Bérangère Krief, Nora Hamzaoui… the comedians have uninhibited the girls who were freaking out that it would start their mystery. But it shouldn't become a permanent ping pong, you have to know how to lay down the weapons of humor; married life is not a sketch. Finally, the funny girl must be… less than me. I wouldn't want her to steal my spotlight and overshadow me in society. Too castrating! »

"We're freaking out not getting a hard-on!" »

Edouard, 34

“A guy will never dare to admit it. Neither his girlfriend nor his friends. He would be afraid of tarnishing his image as a virile guy, who assures. Of course, I don't think about it every time. But it only takes once, a flex (a half-soft, let's be clear), for the machine to jam. The worst thing is that the fear of the fear of failure, like a whirlwind, never leaves you. Once, I tried everything:yoga, cardio (but I came to the dead stake), reading on forums while my girlfriend slept. I ended up taking Cialis. A magic pill, which gives you incredible erections. The risk is to become dependent on it…”