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Love:9 reasons to put yourself before others in 2022

I still remember Friday, December 31, 2019, full of hope . This year 2020, "it's mine" . In 2020, I'm sure only good things will happen to me. things. Race results? A Covid-19 three weeks later and a succession of tragedies personal and social. Clearly, I had never been so wrong about my predictions for the coming year. Three days after wishing a happy new year 2022 to all my loved ones, what assessment? A third dose, a fifth wave and its peak which is not very far away, an exhausted medical profession and humans who, more than ever, have understood the meaning of “mental load” . The glimmer of hope? Remind myself that all the greatest epidemics passed away after two and a half years. So we're almost there. But especially after two years of living halfway , in 2022, it is important to live for yourself.

In 2022:we make ourselves the number 1 priority

For the past two years, we have had to think of others . Mostly. Do not contaminate our elders. Don't go out because you feel woozy. Crying for our loved ones who did not survive the epidemic wave. Stay away from our person because she is afraid of having been contaminated. Stay locked up weeks. Thinking about the after while suffocating. Seeing no improvement. Wishing each other a happy new year 2021 knowing that it will not be good . Make good resolutions that you won't keep, because anyway, life is already so shitty that you won't stop smoking three four cigarettes a week. But 2022 is different. In 2022 , we really want to believe that we will get through this. Because in the end, there is something more serious than not being able to dance in a nightclub and having to walk around with a mask on the face.

Have you taken care to write down your resolutions? Whether you hold them or not, the most important thing is to have them written . This allows for introspection on the past year and to know what we want and what we no longer want. For my part, I decided that the most important thing was to become a little more selfish in 2022. Whether you start the year alone or as a couple, the most important thing is you . And that, it will really have to be integrated. In 2022, it is essential to put yourself before your couple, before your lover and even before your best friends. Primordial. Why ? Spoilers :no one will do it for you. You will always be your own priority and no one else's. And as long as you pass your emotions and your desires before those you love, you can feel totally fulfilled . Any disappointments in love will be less painful . Not convinced yet? Here are 9 reasons to make yourself your #1 priority.

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Self Love:the ideal box to learn to love yourself

Love:9 reasons to never rummage through your darling's phone again

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