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Raincoat boys; from nerd to trendsetter or to sucker, what will it be?

This morning I woke up way too early again….. it's 6 o'clock I see on the alarm clock, way too early! But that's just the rhythm of my girlfriend, her alarm clock is set up too early by default. I used to sleep right through the alarm clock, even though ten alarm clocks were ringing, but those "good old days" are over. Awake is really awake now! A look outside tells me that it is going to be one of those typical English days:one of those autumn-like days with only rain and wind. A day for which rain suits are made and right away I think of my girlfriend's son. He's not wearing a rain suit, that's not cool. ”Nobody wears a rain suit only nerds”, I can still hear him say. Now I ask you?? Why are rain suits still made for boys and are they even sold at all? Boys nowadays prefer to sit in school with damp, wet pants. It's been confirmed once again:a raincoat guys? No, boys are suckers!

Raincoat boys; you can't do that with a sucker

Last week my kids spent the weekend with me again. I am divorced and see my 11-year-old son and my 17-year-old daughter once every two weeks at the weekend. Far too little, but I'll have to make do with it. Finn, the youngest's name, had stuck a Post-it on the fridge with the word, you probably guessed it:CRAZY. In cow letters of course. I couldn't ignore it, so I ask my son, "What the hell?" Did I forget something important? I didn't expect the answer I got, he said:“It's a compliment Dad! SOFTY. means:Sexy, Unique, Kei Handsome and Tasty…..”, but that's just not what I mean by guys being suckers 😉 .

Read also: my curly boys want a cool haircut

No Education Required Dude

Last year I moved to beautiful farmland, the municipality of Landerd that is. I thought the suckers, uhm guys, here would be different from the waddly guys over the rivers. But not so:the boys here are just as badass as the suckers in the rest of the country. And then you still live in Carnavalsland, where it is partying and drinking for a week and above all where you have to look as ridiculous as possible to stand out a bit. Then you expect a completely different attitude. Then you expect to find real NERDS, but in the meaning which I recently gave to it. In front of me stands N.E.R.D. now for:No Education Required Dude! In other words:guys you don't have to teach anything, they know how it works!

I used to be that nerd, or in my case (quite unexpectedly) a trendsetter. I used to care about how I looked. If it was cold outside, I'd grab my sister's scarf (because I didn't have one):a first class poop scarf! Not really a great combo with my bomber jacket, but like I said, I didn't care! As long as I wasn't cold! The following week I was stunned, there were more geeks around. Nerds with bomber jacket and poop scarf!! That's how I was elevated from a nerd to a No Education Required Dude in one go!

Read also: with fashion helmet on the scooter

Is he going to be a trendsetter or not?

Now my question is:which geek insists on putting on a dodgy rain suit to school for the first time? Who is going from sucker to nerd, intentionally or unintentionally? Because a raincoat guys, come on… that should be possible, right?

Image used via Shutterstock