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"Dinner of kifs":Florence Servan-Schreiber puts happiness on our plates

Fan of Florence Servan-Schreiber? So, you will be served (well, you will rather serve good dishes to your loved ones…). Because after having boosted our gratitude with "3 kifs per day" and our superpowers with "Power Potato", our specialist in positive psychology returns in a third ultra-vitamin book published by Marabout. And this time, she makes us discover (to our eyes and taste buds)… positive cooking!

On the menu ? "Spring rolls for a long life", "soft cod croquettes", "Bibimbap", "sparkling pomegranate", "caramiel sauce" or even "banana bread":here are 80 "positive recipes to discover the cuisine of happiness" . Yep, because cooking is also about being loved in a moment of flow and then sharing (IF we want to share ☺ ), taking plenty of the peepers, the mouth and the can, preparing welcoming or intimate, comforting tables or happy, let your creativity express itself and take care of your health to enjoy your life even longer.

“Cooking and happiness, both are basic, intuitive and age-old practices, but the more we know about the mechanics of them, the more freedom we have to make informed and beneficial choices. There are days with, days without. I can eat or live what simply presents itself, just as I can bend over backwards to make a dish or have an exceptional experience. Here are some more commonalities between cooking and happiness,” she writes in her book.

See other cooking tutorials for a "Dinner of kifs" by clicking here

The keys to positive cooking, according to Florence Servan-Schreiber?

1/ Choose "benevolent" foods. Anti-inflammation, anti-oxidants, which maintain an omega 6-omega 3 balance, with a low glycemic index, fiber, and especially no hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil or aspartame,

2/ Give yourself the pain that suits you well. We do as we feel, according to our agenda, our tastes, our motivation, because "it's really how we are that we cook best",

3/ Everyone has the power to put together their plate. We opt for a "kit" kitchen where we break down the menu into complementary dishes that everyone will mix according to their tastes and appetite,

4/ We love cooking. We put on our favorite music, we sing, we test, we taste, we have fun,

5/ We share to have fun. Because "life is a fundraising race to be lived with companions".

Do you overdo it? So, you will soon be able to see our love and share of love concocting her happy food on video on
Happier TV, the brand new TV channel of Tal Ben-Shahar, ZE specialist (American) in positive psychology.

Happy appetite! 🙂

> Florence Servan-Schreiber, Kifs dinner, Marabout, 2015.

> Price:€16.90