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Couples with a good relationship are on average a few kilos heavier

Getting fatter because you found each other in a good relationship. You might recognize it. A good relationship is brimming with fun, if you've got the right type. Delicious food and drinks, cozy couch together… and before you know it you will be pounds heavier in a few years.

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A good relationship makes you fatter

The APA (the American Psychological Association) has published this research and concluded that couples in good relationships eventually gain weight than couples who are unhappy in their relationship.

The study was not very broad, however, because 169 couples were examined from the moment they were just married. They were eventually followed for four years and examined twice a year.

The investigation

The study looked at how the relationships and the researched data relate in two ways.

The first was investigated using a health model based on the fact that couples in a good relationship have a healthy lifestyle. In this case, partners who are happy with each other would not gain weight. If they are less happy and satisfied in their relationship, they will gain weight, for example due to stress.

The second model assumes just the opposite. This is the 'satisfaction model'. A good relationship is based on the fact that partners feel completely at ease with each other and can be themselves. They are more relaxed and less concerned with their appearance and appearance. This is why they arrive. If couples are less happy, they are more concerned with their appearance. For their own partner or for someone else.

Satisfaction Score

The research ultimately showed that couples who are satisfied in their relationship gain weight significantly more than couples who are not in a good relationship. The first sports less and pay less attention to what they eat and drink.

Slim together

One advantage:gaining weight together is not only easier… But also losing weight together! If you set it as a common goal, you will see that you are a lot more motivated than if you 'have to do it alone'. Can you support each other nicely? And, to make it even more fun, we've listed workout tips for couples. Because exercising together is also more fun than alone!