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Ile-de-France:hassle of having your children looked after?

Ile-de-France:hassle of having your children looked after?

When you have to combine professional life and that of parents, having the possibility of having children looked after becomes more than a necessity, an emergency. But depending on working hours and the geographical area in which you are
found, having this possibility can turn out to be a luxury. What about Ile-de-France? The answer lies in
this article.

Contents 1 The childcare sector in Île-de-France 2 Childcare solutions in Île-de-France 2.1 A website to find a nanny 2.2 Shared home childcare, another alternative 3 Assistance available for childcare

Ile-de-France:hassle of having your children looked after?

The childcare sector in Île-de-France

Parents of children under the age of six face some challenges in terms of childcare arrangements.
children. In 2015, according to the report of the National Early Childhood Observatory, 61% of children with less than three
years are kept by their parents for lack of alternatives
. Custody solutions therefore seem to be lacking in
Ile-de-France. This is confirmed by a study by the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) which reveals that
50% of children have no childcare solution.

Childcare solutions in Île-de-France

A website to find a nanny

Using a nanny to look after their children is a solution adopted by a growing number of parents. Some sites in Île-de-France offer this kind of service. They provide parents with nannies to look after their children after school or to watch them at their own home . Such a home childcare solution allows parents to continue their professional activities with peace of mind. They are then no longer obliged (especially the mother) to take a break or stop working.

However, it is necessary to check the professionalism of the service provider you choose. Consider them
following criteria for a childcare service:

  • Qualicert certification, for example, is a guarantee of quality of service and demonstrates the rigor in the process of
    nanny recruitment;
  • The agency's ability to adapt to your specific needs by offering you the right nanny.

Ile-de-France:hassle of having your children looked after?

Shared home care, another alternative

Shared custody is also an interesting solution to limit the costs inherent in the employment of a nanny by a
single family. How does it work? The principle is very simple:several parents join forces to recruit
the same nanny who will take care of their children
. The domiciles are alternated and the childcare costs
shared between different families.

Support available for childcare

As parents, you are not alone when you have to opt for childcare. Aids are indeed

For home care, you can benefit from a refund of up to 50% in the form of a credit
tax for a maximum expense of 15,000 euros.

In addition, you have the possibility of benefiting from the free choice of childcare supplement . It's the
case in particular if your children are under six years old and that they are kept for a minimum monthly period of
4 p.m.

For many parents, especially mothers, a childcare solution is a necessity to allow them to go about their daily lives.
their professional occupations in complete peace of mind. And when it comes to a live-in nanny, it offers the advantage of
keep children in their environment. In addition, various aids are available in Île-de-France for you
support in this direction.